Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Review of the Best World of Warcraft Guides
Today's Top World of Warcraft Picks:

Why Is World Of Warcraft So Successful
World of Warcraft has been an amazing success on every level. There is something about this particular game that has connected with people, more so than any other title. Its popularity just keeps growing and shows no sign of slowing down. The game has many strengths, all of which have contributed to its success.
World of Warcraft is well developed and well made. The game's developer, Blizzard Entertainment, has tremendous quality control. They put a lot of pride and effort into their games, and this title was no exception. It spent five years in development, with a team of 65 people working on it. Blizzard held beta tests for the game to see how people responded to it, and they used these opinions to hone and perfect the game as much as possible. It was a very ambitious game, and it has really fulfilled its potential.
From the beginning, World of Warcraft was in a strong position, in that it already had a following before its release. There are many people who were fans of the previous Warcraft games and also of role-playing games in general, so there was a core audience who were predisposed to buy it and to like it. Crucially, it met the expectations that people had of it. It delivered on the anticipation and the hype that it saw in the run up to its launch.
World of Warcraft is a very impressive game. It is great fun to play, entertaining you and challenging you at the same time. It has strong characters and rich environments, with the game world of Azeroth existing as its own convincing, distinctive universe. It is visually appealing, with a charming, sublime look to it. There is a great deal to do and a lot of variety to the gameplay. It moves well and is always interesting.
People are attracted to World of Warcraft because it allows them to play an assortment of different characters. It features great range and choice. You can be any kind of character and any gender that you want to be. The ability to play as either Alliance or Horde gives players the best of both worlds - you can be either a hero or a monster. The freedom you have in customising your character is pleasing, and makes it a more original and unique experience.
World of Warcraft offers different types of gameplay. You can play the main part of the game, and go on a journey through Azeroth, completing quests and testing your skills in combat. Alternatively you can take part in the player versus player content. This has become an essential part of the game since it was introduced. Indeed for some players it is now the highlight of the whole title. The battlegrounds are exciting and unpredictable, and feature superb multi-player action.
World of Warcraft is great value and is a long-lasting title. It is ingenious and clever and a real challenge. The world of the game is enormous and will amuse you for a long time. The updates to the game enhance it further, and ensure that there are always new areas to explore and fresh sights to see. It is of such high quality that it may become the only game you play. It is so satisfying that people lose interest in other games and concentrate on this one title exclusively.
The brilliance of World of Warcraft is that it has built upon previous games of its type and improved them. It could be argued that it is the ultimate massively multi-player online role-playing game. It represents the perfection of the genre. It is not that it is hugely different to previous multi-player games, but rather that it has taken the genre and has made the best example of it to date. It is a masterpiece that has incorporated and refined all the elements of this kind of title.
World of Warcraft then is very inviting and is an excellent game. It appeals to people on many different levels, and this has helped it to reach a large audience. It is so well made and entertaining that its success seemed assured, and yet the scale of its success has been extraordinary. It now stands as an essential title.
Why Is World Of Warcraft So Successful

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Review of the Best World of Warcraft Guides
Today's Top World of Warcraft Picks:

World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guide
World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guide
By Steven Golden
This is the method the power levelers have used since closed beta and I finally got one of them to give it up. It is by no means the way to go if you want to maximize your experience in the game as this method will bypass almost all the content in the game and essentially ignore many of the fun, unique aspects of WoW. This is not recommended for new players and is meant for players who already have experienced the content and just want to level up an alt to play with their level 60 friends (ie. your level 60 instance group needs a priest and there are no priests to be had). As a benchmark to how successful you are with this, download cosmos (Cosmos) and use the clock feature to measure your xp/hour. At level 50 you should be getting about 40,000+/hour.
1-20: Newbie lands, stick to the friendly zones (not contested). Just grind. The quests are a waste of time up to level 20 if you are focusing on maxing out xp per hour. 20-26: Wetlands quests and raptors/slime/orcs for grinding. Redridge mountain Lakeshire quests.
26-30: Duskwood quests and undead for grinding. Hillsbrad critter roamers for grinding.
30-35: Did these all in a day on Daggerspines in Hillsbrad right next to Southshore along the coast. Huge spawn, very fast respawn rate, easy mobs to kill. Purgation isle (island in the very far Southwest water area of Hillsbrad) also a nice secluded place you can grind on undead.
36-40: Hillsbrad southshore quests. Desolace quests and kodo grinding for 36-38, then Undead Ravagers in the southeast for 38-40. Cresting exiles at the circle of outer binding in Arathi also for 37-41; extremely easy mobs with a fast respawn. Alterac ogres from 35-40 for grinding. Drywhisker kobolds in Arathi east of Hammerfall for 36-39 for grinding.
41-45: Hinterlands trolls, owl beasts, and wolves for grinding and quests. Badlands ogres, gnolls, and quests.
45-48: Tanaris quests and pirates on the eastern paninsula for grinding. Stranglethorn vale quests (only if you need rewards imo). Badlands greater elementals for grinding.
48-52: Felwood deadwood gnolls for grinding and quests from the sanctuary in the south. Blasted lands dreadmauls for grinding. Un'goro crater (best started at 50) for primarily quests and grinding off the plants and tar elementals. Azshara undead highbornes and thunderhead hyppogriffs for grinding.
52-55: Azshara blood elves for grinding. Burning steppes dreadmaul rock ogre caves firegut ogres (very low AC) for grinding. Felwood irontree woods and cave for grinding (great spot). Western plaguelands questing for argent dawn and grinding on undead throughout the various camps.
55-58: Eastern plaguelands quests from the sanctuary, grinding on undead at the ruined towns. Winterspring grinding at winterfall village or Lake Kel'Theril undead highbornes (my personal favorite camp). Blackrock Stronghold in Burning Steppes for grinding.
58-60: "The" yeti cave in Winterspring, due Southeast of Everlook (very nice place). Grosh Gok compound ogres in Deadwind pass (great spot, no one knows about it). Eastern plaguelands Fungal Vale undead grinding and argent dawn token farming. Moonowls in northeast winterspring for grinding.
Copyright 2006 Steven Golden
Steven Golden has conducted research into online game for several years.He is currently a part time researcher for some game sites such as http://www.gameusd.com , http://www.world-of-warcraft-gold.us & http://www.bankofwow.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Golden
World of Warcraft Power Leveling Guide